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Modern Web Builders or “classy” code

When a client comes to us with a request for a website, it is very important to understand what exactly he needs. The approaches to project implementation can be different.

Modern Web Builders or “classy” code
By ”classy” we mean the standard implementation of the site using code.

When a client comes to us with a request for a website, it is very important to understand what exactly he needs. Since sites are static or dynamic, the approaches to project implementation can be different, let's start with the difference.

Dynamic websites

The most striking examples of dynamic websites are pages created on the basis of content management systems (CMS). Among them, online stores are the most common, as well as forums, review pages, and other resources with the possibility of posting content by visitors.

Static websites

Used for small, simple websites which don’t require continuous changes. The site has the same look and the same content for all visitors.

Approaches to implementation

Approaches to the implementation of these two different websites are just as different as their concepts.

For a dynamic website, the implementation will be “classy”. In the case of a static website, we have one more option besides writing a code: a web builder.

What is a web builder

The web builder is a complex system for creating web pages that we can use without the knowledge of programming. It usually runs in a browser.

If you want to host the website by yourself, choose the web builder wisely. Not every web builder provides this option and you have to use their hosting service.

In this article, we will talk more about static sites because web builders are suitable for them.

Why is it sometimes better to use them?

Let's be honest… It is not always 100% clear what are the client’s needs exactly.

Let’s say designers can use a web builder as a prototyping tool to help the client decide in a short time.

Static websites such as personal websites and product catalogs can be easily implemented using web builders. With the right approach, you can build a project in a short period of time and with a small number of resources.

The right approach

  1. There are quite a lot of web builders, and it is very important to understand the capabilities and limitations of each of them.
  2. Design. Again, looking back at the limitations of each of them, the design must be done taking into account these limitations.
  3. Understand the end user and the essence of the website, do not expect too much interactivity and dynamics on the site.
  4. It is also worth understanding the size of this project, a business card website for a web builder is a simple task, but something big would be better to implement in a “classy” way.
  5. A person with absolutely no knowledge in development will not be able to implement a project as quickly and correctly,  each web builder as a result returns just a code, it is very important to understand the features of developing and optimizing sites, as well as things like SEO.

If you do not follow these couple of points, then using a web builder may turn out to be more expensive and time-consuming than the “classy” approach. If you have answered all these questions and understand that in your case a web builder suits you, then here are their advantages:

  1. it's fast,
  2. it's convenient,
  3. pretty easy to make edits or updates,
  4. large community,
  5. technical support,
  6. you need at least a basic understanding of web development.


I would like to emphasize once again that only skillful hands can build the great product. This is more an assistant in the implementation of small sites than a full-fledged replacement of coding.

The easy static web can be made via static web builder without hesitation.

If you need a complex dynamic application you should avoid this option.


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