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Vráťa Zima a Michal Šrajer: The largest mobile events in the Czech Republic

Vráťa Zima a Michal Šrajer: The largest mobile events in the Czech Republic

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This time, we'll take a slightly different look at the topic of mobile apps, focusing on the organizers of two of the largest events for mobile developers in the Czech Republic - mDevCamp and AppParade. This year, both events will take place on the same day and at the same location, April 23rd at the Prague Congress Centre. How was the mDevCamp conference created, and what is the history of the mobile app competition AppParade? What will this action-packed day bring for mobile enthusiasts? Listen to a special episode where Vráťa Zima and Michal Šrajer nostalgically reminisce about the beginnings of their events.


České appky, které dobývají svět

Poslouchejte recepty na úspěšné aplikace. CEO Megumethod Vráťa Zima si povídá s tvůrci českých aplikací o jejich businessu.

Gradient noisy shapeMegumethod CEO Vratislav ZimaMegumethod Scribble